Haywood Public Transit Offers Emergency Cruso Shuttle Route Next Week

Haywood Transit Schedule in the Cruso & Bethel Area

Week of Tuesday, August 31st – Friday, September 3, 2021

Haywood Transit will provide a continuous shuttle service on US276 from 10am – 3pm daily. This service is open to anyone in need of transportation along this route.

Stops will include:

  •    Camp Hope

  •    Cruso Community Center

  •    Cruso United Methodist Church

  •    Burnett Cove Road

  •    Mustang Alley Drive Trailer Park

  •    Franks Grocery

  •    Bethel Baptist

  •    Crestview Baptist (as needed)

If community members need a ride into town for employment, shopping or medical trips please call 828-565-0362 to schedule an appointment. Haywood Transit needs at least 24 hours prior notice for these trips.

Haywood Transit is closed on Labor Day.

Ongoing shuttle transportation needs will be assessed on a week-by-week basis.