Head Start & Early Head Start

We’re Enrolling & Hiring!

We are currently enrolling children for the 2022-2023 school year, and hiring staff. If you are interested, you may call 828-456-4546 in Haywood County or 828-586-2345 in Jackson County to make an appointment to complete an application. You may also fill out the MPI Pre-Application to apply.

We operate centers in Waynesville, Canton, Clyde, Sylva and on the campus of Western Carolina University

What is Head Start?

Mountain Projects has administered Head Start in Haywood and Jackson Counties since its creation in 1965. We operate centers in Canton, Clyde, Waynesville, Sylva and on the campus of Western Carolina University. Head Start is a federally funded comprehensive child development program serving birth to five year old children from low income families. Its goal is to help children achieve social competence and school readiness and to help families achieve self-sufficiency.

Students receive educational services, health/nutrition, and social services. Parents become actively involved in their child’s educational process through parent involvement and literacy services. Head Start is free of charge to eligible families.

Meet Our Administrative Staff
Christie Paxton

Christie Paxton

Head Start Director

828-456-4546, Ext. 200

Tabitha Justice

Tabitha Justice

Education & Mental Health Coordinator

828-456-4546, Ext. 206

Laura Passmore

Laura Passmore

Health & Nutrition Coordinator

828-456-4546, Ext. 204

Missy Gibson

Missy Gibson

ERSEA Coordinator

828-456-4546, Ext. 205

Beth Lewis

Beth Lewis

CACFP Coordinator

828-456-4546, Ext. 202

Center Locations

Head Start Administration Office
2177 Asheville Rd.
Waynesville, NC 28786

Christie Paxton, Head Start Director, ext.200
Tabitha Justice, Education & Mental Health Coordinator, ext.206
Laura Passmore, Health & Nutrition, ext.204
Missy Gibson, ERSEA Coordinator (enrollment/attendance), ext.205
Beth Lewis, CACFP Coordinator, ext. 202

Waynesville Head Start A, B, C, D, E, & F
489 Pigeon St.
Waynesville, NC 28786
828-564-2516 or 828-564-2517

Edwina G. Hall Head Start A&B
384 Jones Cove Road
Clyde, NC 28721

Fairview Head Start A & B
453 Fairview Road
Sylva, NC 28779
828-586-4245 or 828-586-2528

Kneedler Child Development
Outreach Center
Campus Western Carolina University
69 Cordelia Camp Building
Cullowhee, NC 28723
828-293-1530 or 828-293-0645

Turner Head Start A & B
35 Peach Bloom Drive
Canton, NC 28716

This website is supported by Grant Number 04CH011471 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Mountain Projects and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.