Mosteller is named HOP Coordinator


Christy Mosteller has taken leadership over the Mountain Projects Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP) program.

HOP is the first program in the nation to use Medicaid funds to pay for a select set of services to address the food, housing, transportation and interpersonal safety needs of qualifying NC Medicaid Managed Care members.

Mosteller, who has been with Mountain Projects for more than 14 years, works with a number of health services organizations that refer eligible clients so HOP staff can coordinate the specific services they need.

According to Mosteller, the number of families who are referred to HOP continues to climb weekly.

“It is amazing work but all-consuming,” Mosteller said, shortly after finishing a food-box delivery. “I have a really great team, and we work well together.”

The HOP program serves low-income households in both Haywood and Jackson Counties and is reimbursed for all of its services through Medicaid funding. Currently, North Carolina is the only state participating in the program.

Part of Mosteller’s job includes overseeing the HOP Healthy Meal services program, which provides frozen or shelf-stable meals to promote improved nutrition. 

Food boxes are delivered or available for pickup weekly to HOP families to help supplement 1-2 meals per day. Each box includes whole grains, proteins, and vouchers for fresh fruit and vegetables from Duckett’s Produce and Christopher Farms. 

“That way families can choose what they want,” said Mosteller. “We always try to mix it up and make sure the families have a good variety.”

HOP funding is also available to help families find affordable housing and pay for their first month’s rent or a security deposit. 

“We also can help a family if their power or water has been turned off,” Mosteller said. 

Mosteller also partners with other programs at Mountain Projects including Haywood Public Transit to provide transportation to families, and has been able to provide funds to help with vehicle repairs. 

If you are on Managed Medicaid and believe you may qualify for the HOP program, call 828-452-1447 or email [email protected] to learn more.